Music Monday: AJ Legrand and the Family

Music Monday: AJ Legrand and the Family

Posted 2017 Jul
T Thread Wallets

We believe good music fuels the soul. It inspires, uplifts, consoles, and comforts like an old familiar friend. Music has the power to turn a dull day into cherished memories and can unite people in a way nothing else can. We’ve recently had the chance to connect with the talented artists behind AJ Legrand and The Family and we wanted to give our followers a first look at their new album and the talent behind the name. These guys are some of the most genuine, hardworking and talented people we know and we’re excited for their album to become the soundtrack of our summer.

My name is AJ LeGrand. My wife Rachel and I play in a band called AJ LeGrand and The Family. We are based out of Dallas, TX, we are musicians, artists, advocates for love and we are simple humans trying to improve our community and the world we live in.

Why do you love music?

For a multitude of reasons. From even the most fundamental parts of it, I love the songwriting process; trying to tell a story or share a message from an experience an observation or an idea. I love being able to pull a melody out of my imagination. I love playing all sorts of instruments, whether that be in front of a theater full of people or in a secluded spot all to myself–I hope to never outgrow the childlike excitement and joy that I experience singing and playing music just for myself. To be honest I am often times nervous to perform or sing in front of others, but the apprehension is eclipsed when I’m able to have a connection with a listener–having one of our songs resonate with someone or being able to put a smile on someone’s face is the best part of being a musician.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Reality. I think realism is so incredibly interesting, fascinating, beautiful, heartbreaking, painful, joyful and rich–I just try to pull bits of my reality, his reality, her reality, and your reality until I have enough bits to turn it into a song. I feel more at peace at in the university when art; whether it be a book, a film, a photo, a painting or a song reminds me that the existence of other folks is similar to mine–I’m not alone, they’re not alone and I think that’s what makes real life so beautiful.

What message do you hope to deliver through your music?

I think more than anything, just the commonality that we all have as humans. We’re all simple and complex, we all have demons, we all have a story, we all feel joy and heartache, and hopefully, some of our tunes can either bring happiness to people, make them laugh, or ease their pain. That’s the ultimate goal.

What’s been the most difficult part of your music career?

The most difficult part of attempting to have a career in music has been the lack of exposure to my work. There are so many talented musicians and artists in the world, but so many, including myself, fail to reach an extremely wide audience. Social media has helped a great deal, this album that we’re putting out I think will help a lot and I believe if I just keep doing what I’m doing, making more connections, playing wherever I can as often as I can and reaching as many people as possible, good things will continue to happen.

What is one thing unique about you?

Hmmm… As a person, I’m not sure… I’m pretty intense about the things that I do. I like to dive into the endeavors I pursue. If I like something, I’ll usually end up loving it and I become obsessed. If not, I don’t usually give it a second look. As far as what’s unique about my music, haha well I think you’d have to ask the people who listen to my tunes–they’d be the best folks to answer.

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