Being stuck at home, we've found that there's no better way to stay busy than by working out those creative brain cells. Whether it's painting, switching up your furniture, cooking, etc., we understand that sometimes you hit a slump. So what do you do when you lose motivation? We asked one of our favorite artists, Jack Soren, to give us a few tips on what helps him.
1. Refresh
"Sometimes I take a shower and get ready like I’m going to the office, even if the office is at home, I put pants on and get to work.
2. Start
If I don’t want to do something, I just start gathering materials or the tools I need to do it, and once I start the gears begin to turn and I end up getting it done.
3. Daydream
When I can’t get motivated to do something I try to do something that lets my brain wander. For example, go for a drive where I can get my thoughts going or something simple as washing the dishes. I start thinking about cool concepts that I want to implement and get excited to get back to working on them.
4. Exercise
A lot of times when I’m feeling less motivated I do a little 30 min of physical activity to feel a small sense of accomplishment and that I did something productive. Then I carry that attitude to my desk and get more done!
5. Hide Your Phone
I’m a very distracted individual so my phone is an enemy to productivity at times. Unless I’m communicating with people, I need to stay away from Instagram and my friends. If I need to watch tutorials or need inspiration I go on my computer or look at my art books rather than looking at my phone."
Let us know if these help you out and happy creating!!